Agricultural Census 2023 Focus Group Discussion (FGD) - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Klungkung Regency

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Agricultural Census 2023 Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

Agricultural Census 2023 Focus Group Discussion (FGD)

October 6, 2023 | BPS Activities

Field data collection for the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023) has been completed. ST2023 consists of several series of activities starting from officer recruitment, officer training, field data collection, data processing (receiving-batching, editing-coding, data entry, data cleaning, validation and verification). After going through this processing stage, FGD activities are needed as a forum for discussion between the BPS internal team and the external team.

The FGD itself aims to be a step in ensuring and improving the quality of ST2023 data, BPS Klungkung Regency carried out a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGD was held on Friday (6/10) which was attended by related parties, namely:

- Head of the Food Crops, Horticulture and Plantation Division of the Klungkung Regency Agriculture Service

- Head of the Animal Husbandry and Animal Health Division of the Klungkung Regency Agricultural Service

- Head of the Human Resources Empowerment and Extension Division of the Klungkung Regency Agricultural Service

- Head of the Fisheries Division of the Klungkung Regency Food Security and Fisheries Service

This FGD event was chaired directly by the Head of BPS Klungkung Regency, Ir. Ni Putu Minarni S. M.M.A and accompanied by the Agro Commander and Technical Team Leader.

The FGD also aims to collect information related to phenomena in the ST2023 results as well as a comparison of ST2023 data with ST2013. The ST2023 data discussed is temporary data resulting from processing.

It is hoped that this activity can improve the quality of ST2023 data in the future.

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