Development of the Bali Province Farmer's Exchange Rate Index August 2021 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Klungkung Regency

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Development of the Bali Province Farmer's Exchange Rate Index August 2021

Release Date : September 2, 2021
File Size : 3.7 MB


The Bali Province NTP Index in August 2021 recorded an increase of 0.33 percent, from 92.58 in July 2021 to 92.88. The index received by farmers (It) rose as high as 0.43 percent, while the index paid by farmers (Ib) rose as high as 0.09 percent.

The increase in the FTT index in August 2021 was recorded in two sub-sectors, namely the food crops sub-sector (1.03 percent) and the horticulture sub-sector (3.30 percent). On the other hand, the fisheries sub-sector recorded the deepest decline of 1.56 percent, followed by the livestock sub-sector which fell 1.11 percent and the people's plantation sub-sector which fell 0.24 percent.

The Bali Province Agricultural Exchange Rate Index (NTUP) in August 2021 rose as high as 0.13 percent from 92.37 in the previous month to 92.49.

Seen from the sub-sector, the increase in the NTUP index in August 2021 was recorded to increase in the food crops sub-sector (0.91 percent) and the horticulture sub-sector (3.23 percent). On the other hand, the fishery sub-sector fell 1.62 percent, the livestock sub-sector fell 1.47 percent and finally the smallholder plantation sub-sector fell 0.45 percent.

In August 2021, Bali Province recorded a rural deflation of 0.03 percent. This condition is in line with the national record of rural inflation which also recorded deflation, which was as deep as 0.05 percent. The deepest deflation was recorded in South Sumatra Province (0.50 percent). The shallowest deflation of 0.01 was recorded in 4 provinces. Meanwhile, Southeast Sulawesi Province recorded the highest inflation rate, at 0.84 percent and North Maluku Province was recorded as the province with the lowest inflation rate at 0.03 percent.
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