Horticultural Statistics in Klungkung Regency 2023 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Klungkung Regency

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Horticultural Statistics in Klungkung Regency 2023

Catalog Number : 5204003.5105
Publication Number : 51050.24019
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : October 30, 2024
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 4.82 MB


“Klungkung Regency Horticultural Statistics 2023” presents statistical data on horticultural crops in the Klungkung Regency area during 2023. This publication is the seventh publication, which is published every year and becomes an annual routine agenda by the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) of Klungkung Regency. Horticultural statistics presented in this publication include statistics on vegetable and fruit crops, both seasonal and annual, as well as statistics on biopharmaceutical plants. The data presented includes the number of horticultural crop production, harvested area or the number of plants that produce for each horticultural commodity over a period of one year which is broken down by sub-district.
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