Puputan Klungkung 109th and Anniversary of the Semarapura 25th - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Klungkung Regency

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Puputan Klungkung 109th and Anniversary of the Semarapura 25th

Puputan Klungkung 109th and Anniversary of the  Semarapura 25th

April 28, 2017 | Other Activities

On 28 April 1908 an important note which on that day was the culmination of the king and the people Klungkung match against the Netherlands intervention. King of Klungkung, Dewa Agung Jambe, with relatives, and loyal troops killed defending the sovereignty and the people discharging dharmaning Klungkung knight, the highest duty of a true warrior. This event is remembered as the Day of Klungkung bellows. Already 109 years have passed but the spirit of the exemplary bellows Klungkung today.

This year's commemoration of the bellows Klungkung 109th anniversary of the city Semarapura and 25th abuzz with activities and competitions in the field of sports and in the arts and culture that involves many parties as students and society. Sports activities such as tug of war contest, fun bike, and healthy way. Arts and culture include drawing and coloring competition jeweler cinema, photography competition, race Penjor, and so forth. Moments Day and the anniversary of bellows Klungkung Semarapura City is expected to whip enthusiasm and make more progress in the future Klungkung.
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