Technical Guidance for Implementation of Sectoral Statistics 2023 - News - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Klungkung Regency

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Technical Guidance for Implementation of Sectoral Statistics 2023

Technical Guidance for Implementation of Sectoral Statistics 2023

January 30, 2023 | Other Activities

[Klungkung] - In the context of continuing to develop One Regional Data in accordance with Klungkung Regent Regulation No.11 of 2022 concerning One Regional Data, the Central Bureau of Statistics for Klungkung Regency has again carried out data development for the relevant offices/agencies which was carried out on Monday (30/1 ) located at the Klungkung District Transportation Office. The activity entitled Technical Guidance for Implementation of Sectoral Statistics 2023 was attended by 18 Services/Institutions. This activity was attended by the Head of BPS Klungkung Regency, Ir. Ni Putu Minarni and the Head of the Klungkung Regency Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo) Drs. I Wayan Parna.

The development of sectoral statistical data includes Evaluation of the Implementation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS), Development of Metadata Compilation and Submission of Statistical Recommendations. In this activity it was conveyed again the basis for implementing guidance and developments in filling out the metadata submission questionnaire.

In order to carry out its role as Data Trustee, the BPS of Klungkung Regency directly assists the metadata entry activity on the INDAH application as well as recommendations for statistical activities on the ROMANTIK web. This guidance was carried out on the basis of an evaluation carried out by the Klungkung Regency BPS due to the lack of achievement in the number of recommended metadata. Even so, the number of statistical recommendations produced increased from 2021 which was originally 2 activities to 6 activities in 2022. The Statistical Development Index (IPS) score also reached 3.97 with the Defined predicate.

It is hoped that holding regular guidance will maximize the efforts made by the Klungkung Regency BPS in fostering data with Walidata to create a good and optimal Klungkung Regency Regional Data.













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